Live at the Virtual Barbershop: Black August, The Legacy of Freedom Fighters, Past, Present & Future

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WEBINAR Live at the Virtual Barbershop: Black August, The Legacy of Freedom Fighters, Past, Present & Future 

(Recorded August 26, 2022)

Join us at the virtual barbershop as we talk about life... REAL life. Being Black in America means many things, but one of the most prevalent issues is experiencing racism daily on multiple fronts. From standard microaggressions on up to direct confrontations, the men who'll be waiting on their haircuts at our barbershop have experienced it all.  

Black August, The Legacy of Freedom Fighters, Past, Present & Today

Black August, observed each year in the month of August,  honors the countless organizers, activists, and freedom fighters who sacrificed their freedom and lives in the struggle for Black liberation. 

In addition to commemorating the fallen freedom fighters of the Black Liberation Movement, Black August is a time to call for the release of political prisoners in the U.S., to condemn the oppressive conditions of U.S. prisons, and to emphasize the continued importance of the struggle for Black Liberation. This annual observance was created in the 1970s by Black freedom fighters who wanted to honor the lives and deaths of Black political prisoners killed by the state, bring awareness to prison conditions, and to honor the radical tradition of Black resistance against anti-Black state violence and systemic oppression.

Join African American male leaders from the sector as they dive into the historical value of Black August and discuss the long-lasting effects of systemic oppression we see today in communities. Discuss the challenges and opportunities for freedom and equity in communities of color that support voices that call for justice.  


About the Virtual Barbershop

The barbershop is the one of the few safe places where Black men feel very comfortable in having candid conversations on just about anything. All over America, the barbershop continues to serve as a second home and place of refuge, healing, and compassion for Black men.

This virtual space will feature several Black male executives from around the country, sharing their experiences and recommendations for advancing anti-racist leadership and championing equity-focused action in human services organizations. Just like in any barbershop, anyone is welcome to drop in at any time based on their availability and interest.

Catch Up with the Barbers on Previous Visits

·       Black Men in Leadership—From Conversation to Sustainable Action

·       Leading Positive Change amid Social and Political Unrest

·       Black Male Executives on COVID-19

·       Addressing COVID-19 Disparities and the Vaccine Rollout

·       Building Family Resilience by Supporting Black Fathers

·       Supporting Black Students in the Classroom


What separates Black August from Black History Month

How the Black Liberation Movement was affected by racism and violence

How the current prison system affects communities of color today

Strategies to advocate and assist in reform responsive to communities that have been harmed