[August 2022] Maximize Social Current Engagement: SPARK Exchanges (Formerly APEX Groups)

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Maximize Social Current Engagement: SPARK Exchanges (Formerly APEX Groups)
August,17 2022 from 1-1:45 p.m. ET

This webinar will introduce Social Current’s SPARK Exchanges, formerly Alliance Peer Exchange (APEX) groups. Through Social Current, SPARK Exchanges unite social sector professionals around functional roles and key issue areas to collaborate, share and/or access resources and solutions, discuss emerging trends, and receive policy updates and action opportunities. Facilitated by staff at Social Current, SPARK Exchanges provide specialized advice from peers throughout the country, as well as rich, timely content delivered through conference calls, webinars, discussion boards, and in-person and virtual networking events.

In addition to an overview, this webinar will feature the perspectives individuals who have been active in these groups and a demo of the Social Current Hub. This dynamic online portal is designed to help you get the support you need, connect with colleagues and resources, and take advantage of all that Social Current offers. Join this webinar to learn more about the SPARK Exchanges, see a sneak peek at the online hub, and join one of our current groups:

 Advancing Equity 



 Transforming Child Welfare

 Education Success 

 Fundraising, Marketing, and Communications

 Health and Mental Well-Being 

 Human Resources 

 Performance Excellence 

SPARK Exchanges are offered as a key benefit of Social Current’s engagement package. All staff at organizations that have purchased or are interested in an engagement package are encouraged to participate in this webinar.

2022 Social Current Engagement Sessions

Join us to learn how your organization’s team can benefit from a Social Current engagement package and the exciting opportunities that connect you with colleagues across the network. All staff at organizations with 2022 Social Current Engagement Packages—and those interested in learning more—are encouraged to participate in this webinar

In addition to delving into the month’s featured topic, we will preview any new or soon-to-be-released products, services, tools, and engagement opportunities. This webinar will include ample time for Q&A, as you explore ways to maximize the engagement experience for your organization and colleagues.

Register for upcoming webinars or download the recordings of past sessions.


• Benefits of SPARK Exchanges

• Experiences of current group members

• Preview of the Social Current online hub

Who Should Participate: 

• Anyone interested in the Social Current SPARK Exchanges


Linda Freeman

Director of Network Engagement

Social Current

Abe Fallon

Senior Director of Client-Facing Applications & Data Insights

Social Current

Ruby Goyal-Carkeek,

Senior Vice President of Programs and Services

Social Current