[September 2020] Collaborations, Mergers, and Acquisitions: The End or an Opportunity? Considerations for Nonprofits

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Original Air Date - September 17 from 2 - 3 p.m. CT

This webinar will discuss key questions that can help leaders evaluate whether their organization is positioned to expand its mission and reach through a strategic collaboration, merger, or acquisition. For leaders who are wondering if the time is now to position their organization to be acquired, this discussion will provide examples of what to know and how to know it before deciding. 

Presenters will lead an interactive discussion and address participants’ questions, applying their experience leading collaboration and acquisitions to current challenges facing nonprofit leaders. This discussion will help leaders recognize how their own organization is positioned to face the future, and what they need to do to get ready for the next step. 

About the Collaborations, Mergers, and Acquisitions Series 

Given current challenges facing community-based organizations, it is increasingly important to assess how collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions with other organizations might help achieve collective missions in strategic and sustainable ways. In this series, the Alliance brings together experts in the network along with other leaders in the nonprofit human services ecosystem to share their insight on emerging trends and recommendations that can be customized for individual organizations based on their mission, resources, and operating environment. 

Learn more: 


  • Key indicators of organizational health and readiness to collaborate 
  • Effective strategies for listening to and engaging important stakeholder groups 
  • How to apply these concepts to real situations 

Who Should Participate 

  • Chief executives 
  • CFOs/Finance execs 
  • COOs 


Josh Schuler 

Vice President of Marketing 

Agora Strategic Consulting Group 

Josh Schuler has more than 15 years of experience in designing and leading personal and team development programs across diverse industries including tech, nonprofit, and financial. He currently holds leadership and/or ownership roles in several financial industry firms focused on scaling the competence of the client so they can act independently and confidently. In every endeavor, Schuler strives to cultivate and steward the talent of organizations so that value is delivered in whatever direction that talent is applied. 


Kay Edwards 

Founder and CEO 

Outsight Network 

Kay Edwards is founder and CEO of Outsight Network, a single access point to thinking partners and strategy and implementation resources for mission-driven leaders.   

For more than 30 years, Edwards has provided counsel in customer experience research, market analytics, planning, collaboration management, and organizational development to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. She has served clients in health care, financial services, manufacturing, social services, higher education, evangelical ministries, retreat centers, and Christian camping. 

Known by her clients and colleagues as “The Questions Lady,” mission-driven leaders call on Edwards for her ability to ask important questions, bring clarity to complex situations, and create solutions that are both practical and impactful. She founded Outsight in 2006 with the mission to, “Build lasting relationships and be relentlessly helpful.” Through this platform she has created a network of like-minded professionals who strive to deliver the “Outsight Experience,” of deep listening, relationship-building, and values-driven service to all their clients.   

Edwards serves on the advisory board of Petersen Products, a supplier to the global oil and gas pipeline industry and is emeritus board chair of New Beginnings Are Possible, an education and mentoring organization serving youth in Milwaukee’s inner city. 

Edwards holds a music degree from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois; a master’s in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and has done graduate work in English/creative writing at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a certified Executive Process Consultant by the Society for Process Consulting and is a member of the Convene Consulting Network.