[September 2023] Building a Resilient Workforce: Embed Brain Science

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Building a Resilient Workforce: Embed Brain Science 

September 19 from 2-3 p.m. ET


The human services field has made strides in raising awareness around the urgency of building healthy brains in new babies and young children. Early childhood resilience strategies such as “serve and return” are now commonly built into trainings and practice. However, the field has been slow to translate emerging brain science into learnings and practices with adults and our workforce. 

To be well at work, especially in complex and stressful settings, we need to understand basic brain concepts and embrace practices and behaviors that support optimal brain functioning Stress, distress, and trauma interrupt our ability to access our thinking brain and, without intervention, keep us in our survival or lower brain, where we struggle to think, problem solve, focus, or manage conflict.  

Regulation, a basic strategy for calming our lower brain, is integral to a health workforce. Practicing brain-based interventions, such as Dr. Bruce Perry’s sequence of engagement regulate, relate, reason (3 Rs), helps us achieve better outcomes. Our staff will experience increased trust, stronger relationships, candid conversations, and more accountability. 

This webinar, the first session in the Workforce Well-Being and Resilience learning series, focuses on the importance of embracing brain science awareness in our work settings. We explore the neurobiology of stress, distress and trauma, the arousal continuum, and strategies for practicing daily regulation activities at work and building a brain friendly culture that leads to resilience and success. 


About the Building a Resilient Workforce Series 

As workforce challenges continue to hinder human services organizations, leaders are searching for concrete action steps to support staff who are emotionally and physically exhausted. Though staff often enter the field excited to make a difference, it can be difficult to keep them connected to the vision and mission of the organization. 

This four-part webinar series will delve into core strategies and tactics for supporting staff, such as increasing accountability, managing conflict, nurturing relationships, embracing equity, and achieving excellence. Sessions in this series: 


·         Embed Brain Science: Sept. 19 from 2-3 p.m. ET

·         Foster Candidness through Psychological Safety: Oct 5.12 from 2-3 p.m. ET

·         Create Culture around Shared Values: Nov. 09 from 2-3 p.m. ET

·         Integrate Connection and Community: Dec.12 from 2-3 p.m. ET





  •  $65 per session (Limited Time Offer, $15 off ONE individual webinar)
  • $235 for the entire series (Limited Time Offer $35 off the bundle, must have all 4 webinars in your cart to trigger the discount)
  • Limited Time Offers Expire July 14, 2023


Cancellation Policy

All cancellation requests must be made in writing. Cancellation requests received by September 5, 2023 will be eligible for a full refund. Cancellation requests received after September 5,, 2023 will not be refunded.  Instead, registrants may use the cost of this registration as a credit for a future Social Current offerings.  Notice of written cancellation must be  emailed directly to Social Current.