CLASS IS FULL (See Other Offerings) [February 2023] Intensive Accreditation Training

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CLASS IS FULL (See other offerings)

Virtual Training
February 6, 2023

Class Full

10:00 – 1:00 pm ET

The Intensive Accreditation Training (IAT) is designed to prepare organizations to get the most out of their COA Accreditation experience. Topics discussed in this training include:  

  • An in-depth overview of the COA Accreditation process, including key milestones
  • An overview of accreditation standards and the relationship between standards, evidence, and the rating indicators
  • How ratings are assigned by the volunteer review team and insight on the accreditation decision-making process
  • Tips on how to get organized and manage the work
  • How to prepare for the site visit

Who Should Participate: 

  • Organization primary contacts 

  • Senior leaders at organizations seeking accreditation 

  • Other staff involved in an organization’s accreditation process 

Estimated Length: 3 Hours

Pricing: 400 per person

Cancellation Policy

All cancellation requests must be made in writing. Cancellation requests received by January 23, 2023 will be eligible for a full refund. Cancellation requests received after March 20, 2023 will not be refunded.  Instead, registrants may use the cost of this registration as a credit for a future Social Current offerings.  Notice of written cancellation must be  emailed directly to Social Current.