[November 2021] How to Be an Inclusive Leader through rEvolutionary and Adaptive Leadership

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November 11 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Central Time
How to Be an Inclusive Leader through rEvolutionary and Adaptive Leadership

To be a successful leader in today's operating environment of rapid and unpredictable change, it’s important to strengthen personal and professional competencies. Using Alliance-COA’s rEvolutionary™ Leadership model enables senior and executive leaders to go beyond the everyday management of programs and services to address adaptive and systems challenges for lasting change.

What makes rEvolutionary Leadership unique from other leadership development models?

rEvolutionary™ Leadership provides a deep dive into four individual capacities that are then applied to integrated and inclusive strategies that can transform organizations into high-impact innovators:

·       Cognitive Capacity. The conscious, intellectual ability to anticipate, perceive, understand, and analyze environmental factors that drive the need for change.

·       Emotional Capacity. The ability to emotionally process environmental factors that might lead to change and to experience the resulting empathy, passion, courage, and resolve that motivate the leader to work for change.

·       Spiritual Capacity. The ability to clearly envision a better future that can be brought about through change, as well as the will to believe that achieving that future state is not only attainable but a moral obligation; it is the response to a higher calling or purpose.

·       Behavioral Capacity. The ability to foresee and implement the tangible, observable, and measurable actions that will set change in motion; it is the action and management portion of leadership.

As leaders continuously invest in these capacities, they are further enabled to manage and lead meaningful change, which flows through the self, team, organization, and communities and into the larger ecosystem of leaders, teams, organizations, and communities.

Takeaways or Learning Objectives:

·       Increase understanding of the rEvolutionary Leadership Model

·       How to be an inclusive leader

·       Increase knowledge of adaptive leadership skillset

Undraye Howard, PH.D.
Senior Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Leadership
Social Current

Since 2006, Dr. Undraye Howard has held multiple high-impact roles at Alliance-COA, previously the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities. He currently serves as the senior director of equity, diversity, inclusion, and leadership at Alliance-COA. In his roles over the years, he has provided invaluable consultation to community-based organizations. In his current role, he leads Alliance-COA efforts in providing strategy, solutions, and support for the development of leaders in the social sector, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Through his strategic leadership and direction, he and a team of network leaders have co-created helpful resources, consultation, and workshops that uplift and disseminate best practices to help community-based organizations advance their EDI journeys.

In addition, Dr. Howard was instrumental in developing Alliance-COA’s leadership development model, the rEvolutionary Model, which helps develop the skills of change leaders to drive toward system and population-level results. Dr. Howard also leads the annual Executive Leadership Institute, which is held in partnership with Loyola University’s Quinlan School of Business. This transformational experience equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to create greater systems change.

In addition, Howard provides expert consultation to community-based organizations on organizational and board governance, strategic planning, human services training, and professional coaching through his personal consulting services, Howard Communication Strategy Consultants.

Dr. Howard also has a deep appreciation and connection to the greater Milwaukee community. He sits on the board of AD2LUV Senior Housing (2006-present), Father Hood Initiative (2012-present), and the board of Holy Cathedral (1999-present), where he also led as youth director and deacon. He also served as a member on the State of Wisconsin Strengthening Families and Children.

Dr. Howard holds a doctorate in business from Bellevue University. He received his master’s in communication and bachelor’s in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Tom Woll
Strategic Change Initiative

Tom Woll is the facilitator of the Strategic Change Initiative. He has assisted organizations in 21 states over the last several years to identify and respond to the strategic challenges they are facing. Woll previously worked closely with the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities to help design and implement a project on residential transformation. This project worked with 36 organizations from 18 states to help them to become more family-focused, more community-based and more results-oriented.

Woll conducts 400 interviews every year with public and private sector leaders, with practitioners in the field, with families and youth receiving services, and with elected public officials. He asks them to offer their thoughts on the future of human services and he shares those thoughts with the organizations he consults with. Woll has conducted over 2,600 interviews since January 2010.