[June 2022] Health Equity Series: Screening for Social Need and the Social Determinants of Health Social Determinants of Health Overview

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Health Equity Series: Screening for Social Need and the Social Determinants of Health 

Social Determinants of Health Overview

June 28, 2022 2-3:300 pm Eastern

Perhaps more than any other health crisis occurring in the past century, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the stark health disparities in our nation, particularly for communities of color. These disparities and others are evident in the ways different people and groups experience the social determinants of health (SDOH), which are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. These factors include socioeconomic status, access to health care, education, neighborhood and physical environment, employment, and social support networks. As such, community-based organizations play a critical role in strengthening the health and well-being of communities by addressing the social needs of individuals and families. 

Session 1: Social Determinants of Health Overview

During this webinar, Mary E. Garr, president of Family Service in San Antonio, will share how the organization has evolved to improve the SDOH experienced by its communities. In addition, the organization’s approach addresses adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by adopting the practice of trauma-informed care when working with individuals and families. Key to this initiative is the use of screening for social need, which helps to identify effective interventions sooner. The organization has also created a multiyear scorecard to guide its path to supporting community health and help all employees understand what they are working to achieve. Through this ongoing organizational development, positive health outcomes for people and strengthened neighborhoods are possible. 

Learn more about the evolution of Family Service in Reframing Your Organization’s Work with the Social Determinants of Health (Webinar)

About the Social Current Health Equity Series 

Everyone needs the building blocks for health and well-being in order to thrive, reach their full potential, and meaningfully contribute to society. But as the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated, people of color and many others are disproportionately affected by sickness and death due to reduced access to testing, higher chronic disease burden, and historical racial bias within health care institutions. Social Current and its network of partners are committed to health equity as a key strategy to increase the safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities most impacted by inequality and racism.