[August 2021] Live at the Virtual Barbershop: Supporting Black Students in the Classroom

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August 27 2021, at 1:00 p.m. CT

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In his 1933 book The Mis-Education of the Negro, Carter G. Woodson postulated that Black people of his day were culturally indoctrinated rather than taught in American schools, creating people who would be dependent on and seek out inferior places in the dominant white societyOne of the significant points Woodson repeated in his discourse was that the entire educational system was structurally unrelated to the future needs of Black children to develop and thrive with lives rooted in self and race knowledge as well as self-respect.  

As we think about our education system today, we face the same questions Woodson posed almost a century ago: Do Black children and youth fare better in their lives by going through the established educational system? How can educational values and curriculum overcome the inherent biases against Black history and culture 

Join African-American male leaders from the sector as they explore the relevance of the U.S. education system to the needs of the Black community. Discuss the challenges and opportunities to creating an inclusive system that builds on all students’ capabilities, resilience, and dreams. 



  • How the dominant culture has perpetuated racially based deficiencies in the education system 

  • How to support Black students in their social-emotional development and occupational goals 

  • Strategies to achieve educational reform responsive to community values and students’ potential to thrive 

About the Virtual Barbershop:

 The barbershop is the one of the few safe places where Black men feel very comfortable in having candid conversations on just about anything. All over America, the barbershop continues to serve as a second home and place of refuge, healing, and compassion for Black men. This virtual space will feature several Black male executives from around the country, sharing their experiences and recommendations for advancing anti-racist leadership and championing equity-focused action in human services organizations. Just like in any barbershop, anyone is welcome to drop in at any time based on their availability and interest.

The Barber

· Dr. Undraye P. Howard, senior director of equity, diversity, and inclusion and engagement at the

Alliance for Strong Families and Communities

Waiting on a Haircut

· Raphael Holloway, MA, CEO of Gateway Center in Atlanta

· Reyahd D.J. Kazmi, Esq., director of business and government strategies at National Youth  Advocate Program in Columbus, Ohio

· Jesse McLean, MA, executive director of Western Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio at Pressley Ridge in Pittsburgh

 · Julius Mullen Sr., PhD, chief clinical officer of Children & Families First in Wilmington, Delaware

 · Claude A. Robinson Jr., executive vice president of external affairs and diversity at UCAN in Chicago 

· Jonathan Palmer, executive director of Hallie Q. Brown Community Center in St. Paul, Minnesota 

· George Winn, MA, COO of The Children's Center in Detroit