[October 2022] Fundraising, Marketing, and Communications: Successes and Challenges in 2022

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October 5, 2022 12:00 p.m. E.T

Do you work in fundraising, marketing, or communications at a human services organization? Then this session is for you! These essential functions often take a back seat to the programmatic functions of the organization. Connecting with peers doing similar work across the country to exchange ideas can provide great value and support. Join us for this initial session of the Fundraising, Marketing, and Communications (FMC) SPARK Exchange group, a new iteration of a group that’s been benefiting FMC professionals for more than 12 years.

This interactive, facilitated session will use a round robin format to invite everyone who wishes to briefly share a recent success and/or challenge. Then we will have discussion on the topics raised as time permits. We will also invite your ideas for future programming topics.