[March 2022] Child Safety Forward: Building Equitable Child and Family Well-being Systems Using a Public Health Approach

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Child Safety Forward: Building Equitable Child and Family Well-being Systems Using a Public Health Approach 
Live Webinar (Invite Only)


This funder learning experience has been cancelled. If you would like to learn about Social Current’s work around child well-being, or be invited to similar sessions in the future, please contact Amy Templeman, Director of Within Our Reach and Director of Practice Excellence, or Margaret Thom, Development Manager. Thank you for your interest!


In October 2019, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime launched Child Safety Forward, a three-year demonstration initiative to develop equitable solutions that address serious injuries and fatalities from child abuse and neglect. The efforts are responsive to the 21st century child and family well-being system and public health approach described by the federal Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities in its report to the President and U.S. Congress, Within Our Reach 

Social Current serves as the national technical assistance center to five demonstration sites: St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut; Cook County Health in Illinois; Indiana Department of Health; Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; and Sacramento County’s Child Abuse Prevention Council in California.  

This webinar specifically for funders will cover implementation strategies and lessons learned from the demonstration sites as we head into year three of the initiative, along with policy and practice implications that can be drawn from this work.   


  • Solicitation-free venue for funders to learn about the latest in several key child and family well-being strategies and practices 

  • Facilitated discussion on how these strategies and practices might be infused into funder practices, including requests for proposals and more 

  • Take-away resources to bolster funder learning and practice 

Who Should Participate:  

Funders by invitation only

***Funders are welcome to invite other funders who might be interested in this discussion


Amy Templeman, Director of Within Our Reach