The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities-Council on Accreditation is focused on several federal policy issues and looking for feedback from our network of leaders and experts on some pressing topics.
We are currently seeking input from our network through focus groups on two issues—racial equity and paid leave.
Responding to New Federal Request for Information on Advancing Equity Practices
Ideal Participants: Leaders (any level in an organization) that prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion and/or engage community voices in decision making
We are working to provide written responses to a new request for information that will help federal agencies identify new practices and policies to advance equity and methods for assessing current programs/services/processes. The federal agencies are required to consult with members of communities that have been historically underrepresented in the federal government or underserved by federal policies and programs- Monday, June 21, 1-2 p.m. ET
- Wednesday, June 23, 4-5 p.m. ET
Ensuring Paid Leave Proposals Recognize Nonprofits
Ideal Participants: CFOs, CEOs, human resources leaders, other senior leaders
Congress is currently considering various paid leave policy proposals (sick, family, and medical leave). As these proposals are considered, we want to ensure that they account for the unique nature of nonprofits, particularly human services organizations and their financial constraints.
Join us for a discussion on how we can balance the policy and equity goals of advancing national paid leave policies with ensuring nonprofits don’t have to take on new costs without additional revenue- Tuesday, July 13, 2-3 p.m. ET
- Friday, July 16, 2-3 p.m. ET
Spots are limited, so make sure to register today!